Teach BJJ – Instructors Course (Level 3) Certification

Level 3 of the Jiu-Jitsu program completes the White Belt Curriculum and delves into the more nuanced aspects of instruction. It is designed for those aiming to become certified Jiu-Jitsu instructors. Here’s a breakdown of this level:

  1. Completion of the White Belt Curriculum: Covers the last three modules, providing a comprehensive understanding of the entire curriculum.
  2. Ethics and Problem-Solving in Class: Discusses the instructor’s role in maintaining ethical standards and effective methods for addressing issues that arise during classes.
  3. Teaching Private Lessons and Seminars: Offers insights and techniques for conducting private sessions and larger seminars.
  4. Advanced Theory of Jiu-Jitsu Instruction: Explores in-depth the theory behind teaching Jiu-Jitsu, including various do’s and don’ts.
  5. Integration of Curriculum: Highlights the importance of a well-integrated curriculum, showing how each part complements and enhances the others.
  6. Certification Process: After completing the course, participants must pass both a quiz and a written exam, evaluated by experienced professionals. Successful candidates will receive a certificate of completion, officially recognizing them as certified Jiu-Jitsu instructors.
+3 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 71 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz