Why Instructors Should demo on Both Sides

TL;DR: Embracing both sides of jiu-jitsu techniques enhances understanding for beginners and challenges instructors to deliver more relatable and effective training.

Understanding the Core of Jiu-Jitsu Techniques

When you start learning jiu-jitsu, the main goal is to grasp the core concept of each technique. It’s like learning to tie your shoelaces – initially, you focus on the basic idea. Once you have this understanding, the next step is to build muscle memory through repetition and variations. This process ensures that your arms, legs, and core muscles become familiar with the movements, making them as natural as tying your shoelaces.

The Instructor’s Perspective: Breaking Free from Muscle Memory

As an instructor, your role differs significantly. Relying solely on muscle memory isn’t the best method for teaching. Why? Because when you’ve practiced a move like the arm drag from butterfly for years on one side, many details become second nature and sink into your subconscious. You’re not forgetting them; you’re integrating them deeply. However, this can be a barrier when teaching beginners who need these very details explained clearly.

To truly connect with beginners, you need to step out of your comfort zone. How? By demonstrating techniques on your less dominant side. This approach forces you to slow down and think about every move, as your muscle memory isn’t as developed on this side. This process not only helps you understand the technique better but also simplifies how you explain it to your students.

Conclusion: A Win-Win for Instructors and Students

This method is a fantastic way for instructors to challenge themselves and break their patterns. By doing so, you get closer to the level of your students and see the techniques from their perspective. This approach not only enhances your teaching skills but also ensures that students receive more effective and relatable training. Remember, good teaching in jiu-jitsu isn’t just about knowing the techniques; it’s about conveying them in a way that resonates with everyone, regardless of their level.

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